HEALTHY LIVING {Foods that Boost Metabolism}

Have you ever heard that in your mid to late twenties you start gaining weight and it gets harder and harder to lose it?  Well, it’s absolutely true.  As we age, our metabolism slows down and those 19 cookies a day start to catch up with us {and by us, I mean me…}.  I was recently reading an article on foods that help boost your metabolism and figured that I needed to share it with you guys.  In case you’re unaware, your metabolism is directly related to how many calories you burn, how quickly you burn them, and where those calories are stored.

Since it is absolutely necessary for me to drop the 10 lbs that have crept up on me since high school before this summer AND I always seem to be getting sick (literally 2 colds in one month isn’t normal), I figure that I will kill 2 birds with one stone.  I’ve created a list of foods that are jam packed full of healthiness, including certain vitamins, nutrients, or chemical compounds that are proven to increase metabolism.  If you’re like me, the thought of EATING to lose weight sounds pretty ideal.  The following foods will temporarily boost your metabolism while you sit at your computer Facebook stalking.

*NOTE* I say temporarily because the only way to permanently boost your metabolism is by adding muscle {each pound of muscle on your body burns an extra 35-50 calories a day!!!}….and said muscle building blogs are in the works.  For now, read on and get to snacking!!


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COFFEE {preferaby the black with no cream, sugar, or any other fatness}
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BROCOLLI {the one thing I am POSITIVE I can’t eat…I gagged sooo bad last time I tried it.}
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Try adding a few of these in your diet…or substituting them for other items.  It’s worth a shot, right?!