With the “open concept” interior being the biggest attraction in today’s homes comes confusion about how to intelligently lay out the space. Within a big open space, it’s important to create different conversation areas….multi-use spaces that add dimension and function to the home. The hardest part about creating these smaller areas is deciding how to lay out the space so that the different areas feel like a seperate entity without blocking up the space and closing the room up.
Using a divider that allows some sort of visual distinction within the space while alluding to the fact that it’s actually a large open space is one idea.
You could also use a partition that provides some sort of privacy, but doesn’t completely close off the space…
You can also use furniture to create spaces within spaces.
In addition to furniture, using a rug to anchor the spaces works.
Finally, using an architectural feature that divides the space works too…whether it’s on the floor or the ceiling, changing patterns, materials, and structures defines space.