I love all of my entrepreneurial friends {SAT word, what’s up.}, especially those who come to me to help them with graphics. Especially especially when it’s a land and lawn company {because you know we’ve all seen our fair share of juvenile clip-art or strictly text logos of industrial companies…}
Blake went to high school and college with my husband Eric. After school, he joined the fire department….leaving a lot of spare time for him to start a side business. He recently sent me a message asking me to help him come up with some graphics to get this business going. He was pretty open to my ideas but wanted to maybe incorporate the Great Bridge, a tree and/or a stream. I always create a quick and dirty rough draft to send the client to make sure i’m working in the right direction and to get some constructive criticism. The first draft looked like this:
The company name was lighter than the description (fail) and the images were random graphics I stole from different images on a google search (awful resolution), but it only took 10 minutes and we had to start somewhere. Blake mentioned maybe using a different type of tree, so I found an image of a Oak tree– to represent VA ;)
Second draft looked like this:
The final changes were to make the tree a little bit smaller, change the + to an &, and to add the slogan and phone number. Here’s the final graphic:
I also created business cards for them…random black border is just so you can see the extents of the card :)
When Eric and I got home from our honeymoon, we parked the car, looked at each other, and said “diiiiid someone do our yard?” Come to find out, Blake was in the area and decided to cut and edge our lawn. How freaking awesome!!? It looked great, so I have no problem endorsing this new business venture. Be sure to hit him up for your land and lawn needs :)